The Project

An elderly woman confesses a dark secret from a summer day when she was fifteen and in love.

The Inspiration

Dave’s first venture into film, in his own words:

In my final year at Academy of Art, Matthew Jacobs, an instructor with Dr. Who, Young Indiana Jones, and The Emperor’s Groove writing acclaim, told me I could do better. I had submitted a script about a young woman living with her mother and slowly going crazy. I had shot some scenes for it and wanted it to be my final project for Directing 1. But Jacobs told me firmly, “There is a better story in you. I know it. Go find it.” So I did, and it started with a title that popped up during one of his lectures, shortly after he lit a fire on my ass. The Girl in the Grass. A huge of fan of Terrence Malick then, and having watched The Thin Red Line so many times I had to toss the DVD and buy the Blu-Ray, the image of a girl in the grass, just lying there, begged me to create a story about how she got there.

The Girl in the Grass tells that story.

The Result

Well, it’s a film we’re still proud of, but you be the judge: