A show about… wait. What’s that again?

Welcome to “next generation” television, that often takes place on most every type of a device except an actual TV!  We are creating the show Trivial with modern viewers and preferences in mind, borne from our experience building a livestream show for an app-based audience.

For a brief (ever-so-brief) shining moment–nearly 2 million people downloaded the app Cash Show, our livestream trivia show–the producers of Crux Jinx launched this for Zenjoy. Our hosts, Raf and Beau, were popular and people loved the chance to win cash live every day.

But in the end, business trumps fun and engagement and Zenjoy pulled the plug. But as in all things really interesting and creative, THE SHOW MUST GO ON, and it will, in a new scripted, web-based comedy about behind the scenes craziness of an upstart trivia show!

But that’s not even enough. What’s the point of doing a show about a show that thrives on audience engagement without… audience engagement! So Trivial will thrive online in the real world of engagement leading up to and during the time we air the episodes.

Raf and Beau are back, but now their characters are in the hands of the writers of the show, tasked with crafting a fictional version of these two Trivial hosts that help build the outlandish and interesting narrative. They are joined by a cast of eclectic characters who audiences can interact with online before a single episode of Trivial is launched.

What’s more, you are on the show! You get to help us create content from choosing trivia questions, to lobbying for your favorite characters online. When the show airs, you’ll see how the story evolves from our online social media engagement to the actual episodes and storylines.

If you’re not confused by now then you are just not paying attention! It’s about to get even crazier as we launch Trivial online. Look for Raf, Beau, and all the new folks under the Trivial banner on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Join the show within a show about a show playing on any little device near you.